Adelphi Translations

I worked on the redesign of Adelphi Translation's website. This was my first full website redesign using Figma, a tool which we now use exclusively for web, UI and app design at Genius Division.

As an agency, we'd designed and developed the Adelphi Translations website around 2011. In 2019 however, they decided it was time for a refresh to their WordPress website.

The site had been maintained and developed by a number of people over the years and had many new features added in that time. Some functionality was also brought in from other websites that Adelphi ran. Examples of this was voice-over artists that were added to their Adelphi Studio website which would then also be available on the Adelphi Translations website. This meant that the Adelphi team only had to update one site for content to appear on both. All this functionality had to be ported over to the new site.

After years of active development, there was also a lot of legacy functionality provided by third party WordPress plugins that we audited and drew up a shortlist of what to keep, remove or seek alternatives for. Getting rid of unused plugins and functionality allowed us to better optimise the website so it would load faster for users.

Project Credits

  • Web Design: James Sheriff
  • Web Development: Joe Hopper
Web Design