Genius Division X

August 16th, 2020 is the ten year anniversary of Genius Division. It doesn’t seem like that long ago I was writing a Genius Division is 9 post.

Last year I wrote about the first nine years of Genius Division (in brief I might add)

In what seems like a very short 12 months since then, a lot has happened in the World to say the least. Back in March it seemed like we’d be lucky as a business (and society) to survive the next few months never mind Genius Division’s tenth birthday.

This year as a business we’ve embraced remote working, launched our new website, launched a few websites for clients and worked on some other interesting web apps, software solutions and iOS apps.

After working on Genius Division for the last ten years, I think I finally know what I want to do and which direction I want to take it in. Which you probably think sounds absurd that it has taken me ten years to figure this out but you have to try a lot of things to see what works and what doesn’t.

The next few years

As I’ve been primarily a designer and front-end developer since starting Genius Division I’ve been looking at learning new skills over the last 12 months and this is something that I look to continue with.

  • I’ve been doing more work in Laravel. This has been mainly helping Rich with styling views and laying pages out rather than doing the heavy development stuff but I do enjoy these kinds of projects.
  • Swift UI has taken my interest after Rich introduced me to the Apple Developer tutorials.
  • Page Speed Insights has kept us all entertained in the office trying to reach the perfect score on mobile and desktop. It seems like a constant moving goal post at times but it is quite enjoyable reaching those near perfect scores when you can.
  • I look forward to writing the Genius Division is 11! post sooner than I’d think.
Genius Division